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Personal Experiences Orin Books "Orin & I"
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"The mind has 40,000 to 50,000 thoughts a day. When 1,000 to 2,000 of these
daily thoughts are directed to a goal, it will come rapidly." Orin in "Personal Power Through Awareness"
Hi and welcome!
This site is born from my great love for Orin (channeled by Sanaya Roman), the most love-and-light-orientated entity I know, and his work.
Here you can download free
Positive Spiritual Affirmations by Orin (© Sanaya Roman) et al., plus a super
Affirmations Flasher (© 2005 by Rick Xavier) who shares it as Freeware. This
customizable program allows one to have one's own affirmations flash onscreen, thus bathing the mind as long as desired in the thoughts of one's choice.
You'll also find
Links to Orin-related sites
On the value & reliability of channelling
"The Power of Words" © 2003 Spirit of Nature
Comments on my personal experiences with the Orin material
Spiritual love & light affirmations for support in healing one's life
All Orin books with a personal "general introduction" and excerpts
Tips: optimizing the use of affirmations & (subliminal) messaging programs
Helping others
: personal advice & experiences. On service to self and others
Helping others & oneself: spiritual Orin (& some Edgar Cayce) advice
collated from his books which I found very helpful in dealing with these
Ho'oponopono: On (Self) Love as the ultimate healer and the entire world as your responsibility & projection
"Light As Healer" Meditation: Mystic Max Prantl On The Inner Sun As The Key to the Doorway Leading into the Eternal Sun
More personal thoughts, vignettes & experiences both normal & "paranormal" (several still upcoming)
My dream involving a heart of pure love and a "white light sphere"
Using tarot card readings for "highest good of all" guidance
A few personal experiences with astrological charts
My reincarnation dream (as real as my present life)
"Increase in speed": my wound healed in a dream
Energetic connections: my experiences w/ plants
On vegetarianism as a spiritual growth tool
My experience with ecstasy, bliss & God
On visionaries and missionaries
Light & love prayers
As I read and reread Orin's books full of loving practical advice on how to deal with major and minor challenges in daily and not-so-daily life, I started to
record (and translate into German) in both spoken and written form all of the affirmations forming part of his books.
I owe Orin a huge debt of gratitude for the help his work has given me in my life. I hope you will find value in him too. In his own (paraphrased) words:
"I have come to open doors for you and to give you back your power, not to take it from you."
Light and peace,
OrinAffirmations.ParadiseNow.net is part of the suite of charity websites published by me under the umbrella of www.ParadiseNow.net where you'll
find contact and much other information, including my very extensive website on curing cancer naturally inspired by my best friend's mother's illness (addresses see footer).
For more helpful, interesting and free information, visit
a choice selection of esoteric and spiritual articles http://sethquotes.paradisenow.net comprehensive listing of Seth books, extensive excerpts & more http://angelmessages.paradisenow.net about whole brain activation, emotional healing, angelic help & more http://www.healingcancernaturally.com "The best I've seen on this subject ever..." Unsolicited Visitor's Comment
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Home Affirmations
LoveLight Healing
Helper's Experience Books 'Orin & I'
© Affirmations by Orin: Sanaya Roman
© 2004–2022 Orin Affirmations.ParadiseNow.net All Rights Reserved.
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